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COVID-19 Community Groups Information

The country is preparing for Coronavirus (also known as Covid-19), but whilst there’s a lot of information available, there’s not a lot of advice tailored to the needs of small, local third sector organisations. This page aims to direct you to the information that is available, and to fill some of the gaps.

If you are able to, please follow the below advice within your organisations building to help keep reminding everyone:

  • Display copies of the Workplace Handwashing and Hygiene Poster prominently in public areas and in the toilets of your building. You can get a copy here: Workplace Handwashing and Hygiene A4 Poster (PDF)

  • Make sure you have supplies available for people to wash and dry their hands in line with the advice on the Poster.

If you have any questions, or ideas on other information that it would be useful to add to this webpage, then please contact:

Bryan Dargie,  01925 246880

What can small voluntary and community organisations do to prepare for Coronavirus?

At this stage, one of the most useful things that organisations can do is to think about how their organisation will cope if a high proportion of their staff or volunteers become ill or unavailable at the same time, and what steps you might take to avoid this happening.

Many of these steps involve reducing the time people spend together in order to reduce the chances of Coronavirus spreading between them (and affecting a lot of the people you work with at the same time)

Remember that people may be unable to work even if they have not become ill themselves – it could be, for example, because schools have closed and people need to stay at home to care for their children or grandchildren.

NVCO - Your Organisation and Coronavirus

This information is intended to help you decide what steps you and your organisation may need to take in light of the spread of the covid-19 virus.

  • updates on sick leave in line with the government’s current recommendations

  • a new section on immediate actions to be taken in relation to managing finances

  • a new section on planning for staff and volunteers to work from home should the government recommend this step in future.

For Updates and Information:

Meetings and Events

Many events and activities are being postponed or cancelled following the latest guidance on social distancing.

  • Check cancellation policies for venue bookings.

  • For formal meetings such as an AGM, refer to your organisation’s governing document to see what it says about remote participation and quorum.

  • Consider electronic alternatives such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime.

Community Response

Many people are looking to help others in their community at this difficult time, and much can be achieved by encouraging individuals to support their neighbours.

The Eden Project Communities and partners have launched the Community Action Response to encourage everyone to do what they can to support their communities, and particularly vulnerable and isolated people during the Covid-19 crisis. Download the Poster

Key Messages

  • Think of other, consider your actions and be kind

  • Connect and reach out to your neighbours

  • Make the most of local online groups

  • Support vulnerable or isolated people

  • Share accurate information and advice

Please contact WVA Or tel: 01925 246880  for requests for additional information or updates.

Good Neighbours
01925 246881

About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.