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Creating Volunteering Opportunity Adverts

This guide helps you write a volunteer advert and consider what potential volunteers might want to know about your group.

Opportunity Title

  • Keep it short and simple (e.g., Finish Line Marshals, Gardening Group Leader).
  • Avoid long phrases; use a clear, snappy title.

Opportunity Description

  • Include why volunteers are needed, what you aim to achieve, and what volunteers can expect daily.
  • Make it sound interesting and impactful.

Benefits & Perks

  • Examples: community work, DofE, learning new skills, practical experience, CV enhancement, free lunch, accredited training programs.

Skills Required

  • List necessary skills (e.g., customer care, hands-on, teamworking, supervisory, technical, role-specific).

Recruitment & Training Details

  • Explain the induction process and any required training courses.

Hours Involved

  • Specify the days/hours and the type of commitment (long-term, short-term, ad-hoc).

Yes/No Questions

  • Does your group have a volunteer policy?
  • Does your group have a safeguarding policy?
  • Does your group pay for out-of-pocket expenses?
  • Does your group have insurance for this role?
  • Is the opportunity accessible by public transport?
  • Is the role suitable for under 18s or students?
  • Is a DBS check required, and who covers the cost?

About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.