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We have compiled some previously asked questions.  If the question you have isn't here, please contact for more information.

Do we have to do this?

No, this is a voluntary quality assurance framework that gets you:

  • Included in Warrington in Mind Alliance meetings and access to events, training and networking opportunities
  • listed on the HappyOkSad website
  • Pledging to drive forward the brilliant work the VCSE do for the Town's mental health needs
  • confidence of professionals across the NHS, Public Sector and Community and Voluntary Sector to refer to your organisation

There is no guarantee of commissioning or funding with this, but it is a good way of getting all elements of your service in order.

How long do we have to complete it?

This is entirely up to you.  The panel who will be assessing EQIS meet bi-monthly.  When you first start your journey we will work out a rough timeline, but we understand if you aren't able to stick to this.  You will need to think about what a reasonable time frame is for yourself before you even start.

Who should complete the questions?

Someone who knows what you do, how you are governed and the support you give to your service users.  It doesn't have to be just one person, different people can answer different questions.  Don't worry about your spelling or grammar, but it is a good idea to get someone to proofread it before submitting it.  

It is your organisation's responsibility to provide all the information and evidence you need, the assessor will verify everything you have provided and will also ask everyone they speak to about all the points you have made so be honest.

What evidence should we provide?

To evidence your approach or system to each section you might have a document, list, policy or system in place, therefore you will need to share application forms, registers, risk assessments, lesson plans, assessment tools etc.  We would also be interested to see the results of surveys and consultations.  The assessor and board will look at your social media and website (if you have one) but you can point us to pages or posts if you feel they illustrate your point.  You provide evidence you think is relevant to your point. 

If it's something you don't have a hard copy of (like a welcome speech or some spoken rules) then make a note of it and you can talk to the assessor about it during the assessment stage.

How much should we write?

Don't worry about word count, as long as you answer the question fully and with the necessary detail.  Don't waffle on and be sure you have answered the question.  The written part is not the time for extra details or putting things in you think we might find interesting.  Make a note of those and we can talk about them at the assessment stage.

How do you decide who to talk to?

The assessor would need to speak to the key members of the board, the staff members or lead volunteers that deliver the activities / services and, if it feels relevant, to some service users.  The board and staff / volunteers will be asked about the information provided and their take on the points raised and evidence given.  They will also be asked about your organisation's culture and if they feel supported and well trained.

We fully understand the vulnerability of some of the service users, so we will only speak to those you feel are best able to talk about their views on the organisation.  We are not going to ask them about their personal issues or journeys, we simply want to know if they feel supported, listened to and that the service is tailored to them.

What happens if we don't get recommended for EQIS?

You can try again, you will be given feedback and take as much time as you need to gather the information or make the changes you need.  Do take the suggestions seriously and think about what changes you need to make and take some time to do so.


About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.