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For Groups

Guides and information to support the smooth running of your group

Managing Resources 

Here you will find information about funding, fundraising and donations.


Here you will find information and resources on how to create and maintain an effective volunteering programme

Running Your Organisation

In this section you'll find advice on making your services and activities happen.

Funding Support

Funding is increasingly difficult to secure and there are parts of the funding journey we can support with.

What we can do

Explore the template policies below for anything you may not have

Formalising your idea / turning it into a project

Advice on consulting with your people

Creating outcomes for your project

Advice on monitoring or evaluating your project

Reading what you have written

Help you understand funder/panel feedback

What we can't do

Do a funding search and find funders for you

Write the bid for you

Submit the bid for you

Funding Search Engines

Check the criteria before signing up.  Here are some ways you can find out about funders.

the WCT logo

Warrington Charities Trust

With three rounds a year, WCT is Warrington's most consistent funder.

Check out the criteria before applying.  Read more on the button below.


Below you will find all our policy and document templates for you to adapt to suit your group.  We are always happy to help you adapt them or read before you adopt them

Resource Resource type
Absence Sickness Management Policy People
Alcohol and Drugs Policy People
Annual Report Governance
Bullying and Harassment People
Business Plan - One Page Governance, Planning and Projects
Cash Flow Funding and Finance
Compliments Complaints Comments Governance
Confidentiality Safety and Risk
Consent Form People
Constitution Governance
Data Protection Safety and Risk
Disciplinary People
Document Retention Governance
Environmental Statement Governance
Displaying 1 - 14 of 39

About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.