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an abstract image of an industrial facade of a building

About Us

Find out more about us, the team and how we cater to the community of Warrington

Our Mission

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE to meet the diverse needs of local communities.

To do this we:

  • Provide information, guidance and resources enabling local voluntary, community and faith organisations to deliver effective quality services.
  • Promote, support and develop social action and volunteering for individuals and local communities to make a positive experience.
  • Initiate and nurture the development of new groups, schemes, enterprises or activities to meet identified needs.
  • Support local networks and forums to facilitate and encourage effective partnerships and strengthen cross sector working.
  • Enable effective representation and involvement on key strategic partnership bodies to ensure third sector organisations have a strong voice.

The Values we believe in are:

Being Passionate

Utilising energies purposefully and committing to the development and enrichment of others.

Illustration of a couple dancing

Thinking Creatively

Seeking to get the best from available resources and unlocking potential by thinking differently.

Person thinking with a lightbulb above their head

Working Collaboratively

Developing effective relationships that aim to benefit all partners as well as the wider community.

Two people collaborating each with a jigsaw piece.

Join Warrington Voluntary Action

WVA is a membership organisation. Our aim is to support a thriving voluntary sector in Warrington and provide a strong voice for the sector. Having a strong membership is an important factor in achieving this aim.

Being a member of a WVA means that you can:

  • Participate in creating a stronger voluntary sector for the people of Warrington
  • Show your support for the aims of WVA
  • Influence the way WVA develops in the future

Membership entitles you to:

  • Access to a range of WVA services including proofreading funding bids, group support, training and development
  • Discounts on a selection of WVA services
  • Priority booking on our training course and other events
  • Ability to vote at Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings
  • Ability to nominate individuals to stand as Trustees
  • Use of one of the WVA Member logos for your promotional materials

Membership is open to organisations based in delivering services to the people of Warrington. ‘Services’ can be a group, activity or services involving direct interaction with out local community.

To keep our membership with local people, national organisations with a local group can have the local group as a member.

WVA member purple
WVA member blue
WVA member black

Joining is easy and it's free.

Team WVA

Our Board & Staff

Meet the team members who are dedicated to ensuring the community of Warrington thrives and is fully supported.

Our Team
photo of Caitlin Bold

Caitlin Bold

Partnerships and Networks Lead

photo of Shaylah Cullen

Shaylah Cullen

photo of Bryan Dargie

Bryan Dargie

photo of Chris Ditchfield

Chris Ditchfield

GN Dementia Coordinator

photo of Diane Eastburn

Diane Eastburn

Good Neighbours Co-Ordinator

photo of Heather Edwards

Heather Edwards

Community Link Worker

photo of Naz Ghodrati

Naz Ghodrati

Chief Executive Officer

photo of James Goodison

James Goodison


photo of Steve Hine

Steve Hine

Good Neighbours Coordinator

photo of michelle ireland

michelle ireland

Good Neighbours Coordinator

photo of Jordan Johnson

Jordan Johnson

Wellbeing Services and Operations Manager

photo of Jo Kay

Jo Kay

Digital Group Development

photo of Phil Mackay

Phil Mackay

Finance and Office Manager

photo of Susan Marsland

Susan Marsland

Social Prescribing Link Worker - South PCN

photo of Ian Mountain

Ian Mountain

Mental Health Care Navigator

photo of karen nugent

karen nugent

Healthy and Home Link Worker

photo of Maria Paholik

Maria Paholik

Community Connector

photo of Helen Parker

Helen Parker

Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance (CMCA) Social Action Lead

photo of Jenny Pirks

Jenny Pirks

Partnership Support Officer

photo of GinnyAnne Roughley

GinnyAnne Roughley

Care Navigator [Merseycare]

photo of Chelsea Snape

Chelsea Snape

Social Prescribing Link Worker - Central & East PCN

photo of Jacqui Summersgill

Jacqui Summersgill

H & H Link Worker

photo of Jennie Wood

Jennie Wood

Talking Point Coordinator

photo of Cameron Woodward

Cameron Woodward

Social Prescribing

WVA Trustees

Our Trustees Photos
photo of Dave Barlow

Dave Barlow

WVA Trustee

photo of Lynne Bennett

Lynne Bennett

Centre Manager

photo of Katie Horan

Katie Horan

WVA Trustee

photo of Jo Jackson

Jo Jackson

WVA Trustee

photo of Clare Jones

Clare Jones

WVA Trustee

WVA Policies and Procedures

As a charity whose purpose is to support and develop other VCSE organisations, WVA believes it is important for us to model best practice. Below are some of the policies we use to inform the way we work, copies of all our polices are available to member organisations upon request.

  • Adult Safeguarding Policy
  • WVA Bullying and Harassment Policy
  • WVA Compliments, Complaints and Comments Policy and Procedure
  • WVA Environmental Policy Statement
  • Equality and Diversity
  • WVA Fraud, Theft, & Bribery Policy
  • WVA GDPR Policy
  • WVA Grievance Policy
  • WVA Healthy & Safety Policy
  • WVA Volunteering Policy
  • WVA Whistle Blowing Policy
Illustration to represent office admin wok.

WVA Green Pledge

Doing Our bit

As a team we are committed to making changes in our everyday office practices that can go towards making changes to our environment. We know we still have some way to go but there are changes we have made and behaviours we try to do on a daily basis to co

Document icon
We have gone as paper-free as we can, favouring electronic documents over treeware.
Screen icon
We recycle our WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
Power icon
We ensure our electrical equipment is as energy efficient as it can be and switch it off when not in use.
recycle icon
We recycle our office waste including our teabags.
lightbulb icon
We minimise the use of lights in the office.
Walking icon
We walk to meetings where the walk takes 30 minutes or less.

Thank You!

WVA would like to thank the participants of the Creative Remedies Photographic Group for the images of Warrington you will see across our site.

About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.