Your name and the organisation you are representing Please let us know who you are. Does the organisation or service have a constitution or mission statement, detailing its purpose, aims and outcomes and the way it will run, which is understood by your committee, Trustee Board Yes No Unsure Does the organisation have the appropriate level of resources to deliver the service effectively? Yes No If no, what would you need to deliver the service effectively? By resources we mean anything you need to make the service happen. This could be finances, people (staff and/or volunteers), clients / beneficiaries, facilities or equipment. Is your organisation part of a larger organisation and/or are affiliated to a national governing body (NGB)? Yes No Unsure Please list the organisations or NGBs you are connected to Does the organisation already have a quality assurance process? Yes No Unsure Do you have a mark or award from another organisation? e.g. Investors in Volunteers Please list the QA that you already have (if applicable). Are any of your Board/ Committee members related? Yes No N/A If yes, explain how your management of conflict of interest here Are the Board involved in delivering activities as well as the governance of the organisation? Yes No If so, how do they differentiate their roles and manage any conflict of interest?