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Join WIM

Strength in numbers

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of WiM. By completing this form you are committing to the principles of WiM as set out in the Terms of Reference. Membership is open to any VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise) community group or organisation supporting people's mental health. You're joining because you believe that your group or organisation has a part to play in supporting and promoting good mental wellbeing for all.

Grab a brew. This form may take you around 10 minutes to complete

This form has 3 sections and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete
After you have submitted the form, it will be assessed by a member of the WVA team, who will contact you to confirm or discuss your membership and to share relevant information and updates with you.

If you need any support with completing this form or would like to access it in a different format (e.g. a PDF or Word), please contact one of the WVA Team on 01925 246880 or email us: [email protected]


What are you?
Please select ONE answer from the list below that best describes the main purpose of your group / organisation
Income of organisation
Why are we asking this? To ensure a range of organisations are represented from grassroots, volunteer-led community groups to large charities with paid employees.
Main Contact

You need to copy and paste your full address (including https)

Information message

Group / Organisation Name
Charity Number (If applicable)
Main contact First and Surname
Position / Role of main contact
Website, Facebook, Twitter
Description of what you do

Information message

Governing Documents (e.g. a constitution or memorandum and articles)
Latest set of accounts (if you're required to have them)
Safeguarding Policy
Equity Policy (Formerly Equality and Diversity)
Heath and Safety
Public and Employees Public Liability Insurance
None of the above - We don't need these
None of the above - Please help us!
I would like to request some support to review or update our documentation / policies
I'd like to know more about EQIS

Terms of Reference
Terms Of Reference – Warrington In Mind (WiM)
Terminology: VCFSE = Voluntary Community Faith & Social Enterprise
                             EQIS = Ensuring Quality Independent Services

  • We will actively seek to be inclusive and representative of the many communities of Warrington.  We promise to be accessible and learn how to enable culturally appropriate mental health support to all people.
  • That lived experience is understood and is at the heart of service design and delivery.
  • We listen, respect and support each other.
  • Share good practice and relevant experience.
  • We embrace the culture of openness, transparency and learning.  We will get things wrong, and understand this is part of the process that we can use as an opportunity to pause, reflect, develop and grow together.
  • We will champion a collaborative way of working and hold each other to account in a constructive and mutually supportive way: both within our own organisations and groups, within WiM and with our statutory partners.

  • To support VCFSE’s to become the best they can be for service users and wider community.
  • To be guided by those with lived experiences.
  • To champion quality independent services and provide opportunities to share best practice and VCFSE sector knowledge.
  • To help influence and shape support and recovery services in Warrington, providing up-stream solutions through promotion and prevention.
  • To oversee the process and coordination of grants and investments allocated through the mental health transformation funding.

Working together:
  • To co-create a process to invest in VCFSE organisations involved in WiM; through collaborative plan-making and avoiding competitive grants processes.
  • To raise the profile and quality of third sector groups and organisations within Warrington, increasing the scope and quality of provision.
  • Commit to appreciating each other and what we all bring to the table regardless of our organisational size or scope.  
  • To use our collective strengths to transform the lives of people with mental health needs in our communities across Warrington.
  • Recording and sharing data to better understand the needs of our communities.
  • Celebrating the important role the VCFSE plays in supporting and promoting mental wellness.

  • Any VCFSE groups in Warrington that are supporting mental well-being within local communities, regardless of whether they provide specific mental health services or activities, can become members of WiM.
  • Those organisations wishing to join are required to agree with the values and principles of WiM.
  • Organisations wishing to become a member and receive member benefits, are required to commit to attending at minimum of 3 meetings per year where pertinent to their organisation: meetings will focus on aspects of planning, networking and information sharing and gathering.
  • Organisations commit to collaborative working that places the needs of beneficiaries above an individual organisation's financial benefit.
  • Organisations commit to gather and represent the views, needs, ideas of their service users.
  • Members are required to have completed the EQIS assessment or be in the process of working towards becoming EQIS approved.

Structure and influence:
The structure of WiM has been co-produced with the local VCFSE sector and reflects everyone’s desire to ensure that community groups of all sizes can play a part in service designs and delivery, eliminate competitive bidding and putting user-informed solutions at the heart of our work.

Frequency of meetings:
Every 6 weeks

WiM Facilitator:
Warrington Voluntary Action



About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.