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Safeguarding and DBS

Warrington Voluntary Action (WVA) does not perform DBS checks but supports organizations in determining if checks are needed and provides safeguarding information.

Recommended Procedure:

  1. Assess the Role: Ensure procedures protect the individual and others from harm.
  2. Recruitment Process: Include interviews and references.
  3. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the role and the individual to determine DBS eligibility.
  4. Application Form: Complete together for accuracy.
  5. Check Evidence: Verify original documents to avoid forgeries.
  6. Record Certificate: Note the certificate number without copying it.

WVA suggests using APCS for electronic DBS services.

Safeguarding Support

WVA offers tailored safeguarding support for organizations.


  • Provides template policies and helps create suitable ones.
  • Offers a review service for existing policies.
  • E-learning video available for safeguarding training.

Safe Practices:

  • Supports safe recruitment and role risk assessments.
  • Helps with lone worker procedures.


  • Connected to safeguarding networks and forums.
  • Works with Warrington Safeguarding Partnership to provide support.

About Us

Warrington Voluntary Action supports the development of a vibrant, thriving and sustainable VCSE sector to meet the diverse needs of local communities.